When you key start the car engine for the day, you see several indicating lights coming up on the dashboard. Once your car starts moving, most of them disappear, and this is a regular scenario. But what, if the “check engine” light which is one of those lights just stay back and stare at you? Well, here we are to prepare you in advance what you can do next, once you see that warning light getting displayed on your car dashboard.
Knowing What it is
More than the problem, what terrifies us at any troubled situation is the lack of knowledge about what should be done. Once you know the basics of these troubles, it is clear that you can handle it better, assured a senior mechanic who is in-charge of the Meridian check engine light department.
He further went into the details, saying that it is always the duty of the onboard diagnostics system (or OBD II) in the latest vehicles, that can detect whenever there is any issue with any of its mechanisms. When something goes off in the engine compartment, or any of the related departments, the system immediately switches on the “check engine” light on your dashboard, to let you know something is amiss, and that you need to take an action against it.
Common Triggers
When we asked the group of experts and mechanics, about what can cause the “check engine” light get turned on, they talked about various reasons. They started with the explanation that, since the onboard computer is a machine, it will react to anything and everything that is unusual. The programing of this system is such that it can also detect how serious the issue is, depending upon the disorder it detects on parts. For example, the “check engine” light can be triggered with as simple as an issue like a loose gas cap, that wither fell off from its place, or has got torn out, because of ageing. In either of the cases, the gas will start spilling off, which is surely invite trouble, sooner or later. The solution is simple. it is either putting back the cap to its place or replace it with a new. But if it is not done, then it will lead to serious trouble. So, the onboard diagnostic system will decide to let you know about it, through the “check engine” light.
The reaction of the onboard computer will be the same if there is any trouble with the oxygen sensor, the spark plug, or the catalytic convertor. But depending upon the part, that is at fault, the onboard computing system will send different signals. It will turn on the “check engine” light, and keep it stay still, if the parts it detected are not that crucial, but it will start blinking or flashing, if the damage has occurred to any major part, which only a technician can handle, concluded the mechanics who run the department of CEL testing & diagnosis near Meridian.